Test: Human Computer Interfaces
All of these questions have appeared on past papers.
1 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) on a computer can be adapted for different tasks.
Describe in detail, three factors, other than layout appropriate to task, using different examples
that should be taken into account when designing a good HCI. [6]
2 Describe the factors that should be taken into account when designing an appropriate layout of
an HCI that would be used by a young child learning how to read. [4]
3 As computer systems have become more complex the interface has become increasingly important.
Other than differentiation between user expertise, describe four factors that should be taken into
account when designing a good human computer interface and for each factor describe why it is
important. [8]
4 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) is an important part of an ICT system. Describe four factors which
should be taken into account when designing a good HCI. Explain why each factor is important. [4×2]
5 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) is an important part of an ICT system.
(a) Examine the different needs of an expert user and a novice user and describe how they can be
met when designing the HCI. [5]
(b) Discuss using examples, the features of a HCI that would be suitable for the disabled user. [4]
1 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) on a computer can be adapted for different tasks.
Describe in detail, three factors, other than layout appropriate to task, using different examples
that should be taken into account when designing a good HCI. [6]
2 Describe the factors that should be taken into account when designing an appropriate layout of
an HCI that would be used by a young child learning how to read. [4]
3 As computer systems have become more complex the interface has become increasingly important.
Other than differentiation between user expertise, describe four factors that should be taken into
account when designing a good human computer interface and for each factor describe why it is
important. [8]
4 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) is an important part of an ICT system. Describe four factors which
should be taken into account when designing a good HCI. Explain why each factor is important. [4×2]
5 The Human Computer Interface (HCI) is an important part of an ICT system.
(a) Examine the different needs of an expert user and a novice user and describe how they can be
met when designing the HCI. [5]
(b) Discuss using examples, the features of a HCI that would be suitable for the disabled user. [4]